Exploring Collective Noun for Monks

Monks are known for their calm, disciplined, and spiritual way of life. When we talk about monks as a group, we can use special words called collective nouns to describe them. These words make language more descriptive and interesting. Let us explore some collective nouns for monks and learn how to use them in sentences.

Collective Noun for Monks

Collective NounWhat It Describes
CommunityA group of monks living or working together.
OrderMonks belonging to the same religious group or tradition.
BrotherhoodA close-knit group of monks bound by shared beliefs.
CloisterMonks residing or worshiping in a monastery.
ChapterAn organized assembly of monks, often for decision-making.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Monks

1. Community

A community of monks refers to a group living and working together, often in a monastery.


  • A community of monks cared for the sick and poor in their village.
  • The monastery housed a peaceful community of monks.
  • A community of monks gathered for morning prayers.

2. Order

The term order refers to monks who are part of the same religious tradition or follow similar spiritual practices.


  • The Franciscan order of monks is dedicated to helping the poor.
  • An order of monks built the ancient library in the mountains.
  • The monastery is home to a respected order of monks.

3. Brotherhood

A brotherhood highlights the strong bonds and shared purpose among monks.


  • The brotherhood of monks spent their days in meditation and study.
  • A new monk was welcomed warmly into the brotherhood.
  • The brotherhood of monks worked together to restore the chapel.

4. Cloister

A cloister of monks refers to those living or worshiping in a monastery.


  • A cloister of monks chanted hymns in the quiet of the evening.
  • The visitors admired the serene lifestyle of the cloister of monks.
  • A cloister of monks maintained the beautiful gardens around the monastery.

5. Chapter

A chapter is a formal gathering of monks, often for decision-making or religious discussions.


  • A chapter of monks met to discuss the expansion of the monastery.
  • The abbot addressed the chapter of monks during the annual meeting.
  • A chapter of monks voted on new rules for the monastery.


Collective nouns like community, order and brotherhood add depth and meaning to the way we describe groups of monks. They reflect the unity, discipline and shared purpose of monastic life. The next time you see monks in action or visit a monastery try using these thoughtful words.

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